Futuro de Cuba


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Articles in English
















Fuerzas Armadas

La Transición de Cuba.Teniente Coronel (R) Geoff Demarest, Ejército de los EE.UU.

The World- VenezuelaChavez Plans for Terrorist Regime. Insight Magazine. Martin Arostegui

Cuban Officials - U.S.-Cuba Cooperative Security - Center for Defense Information (Link to Center)                            This Center blossomed during Clinton's presidency. The contacts are still there. Browse through and keep your  blood pressure down when you see the segment on the Guardafronteras or border guards. They are pictured as an innocuous drug interdiction machine. Their function as keepers of the citizens in their island cage? Nothing about that or about the killings of people trying to escape. It is shameful that such things are ignored by people that should know better but their objective is obviously not the liberty of the Cuban people.


FAR: MASTERING REFORMS. Domingo Amuchastegui.


"When Raúl Castro went to China, he spent long hours talking to Zhu (something that was not reflected in the Cuban press) and invited his main adviser to travel to Cuba (something that Fidel did not do when he visited China). This famous adviser went to Cuba, caused a tremendous impact, talked to leaders and executives for many hours and days, but there was one person who refused to do so, except for a brief and formal reception: Fidel Castro.

This is a political elite, with or without a uniform, highly unified, fighting for its survival, recovery, and continuity. It is not a segment of society or the state known as "the military," isolated in its drills and barracks. It is a group learning to master new systems and spaces in which they can insert themselves once they retire, and that will meet as well the expectations of the generations and segments of the population that are still loyal to the existing power structure.'


Excerpt: The purpose of this essay is to analyze the FAR’s involvement in addressing Cuba’s economic crisis. The first part will look at the "special period" and its cause. The second part will review the FAR’s managementand strategy to address the crisis, e.g., the creation and implementation of perfeccionamiento empresarial and the last part will examine the armed forces control of the Cuban economy’s two importantsectors — tourism and sugar."

 La Mision de los Condenados.Esteban Casañas Lostal

Palabras del autor: : "Invito a todos a leer la narración intitulada "La misión de los condenados", es conveniente que lo lean incluso las personas defensoras de ese régimen, porque son páginas inéditas sobre la transportación de las tropas cubanas hacia Angola.

Cita: "Cuando yo traje a las tropas a bordo del Renato Guitart, momentos antes de salir la tripulación fue reunida en el comedor de tripulantes, allí se presentó un Mayor del MINFAR, para leernos un comunicado que enviara Fidel y Raúl, después de toda la trova sabida del honor de la misión que salíamos a cumplir, se nos ordenó: que en caso de que el buque fuera detectado por fuerzas navales norteamericanas, nosotros teníamos que encerrar a los soldados en las bodegas y proceder a hundir el buque con ellos adentro, que en ningún momento podíamos caer en manos del enemigo y que la palabra rendición estaba borrada del diccionario cubano.- -Rayos! eso sería un genocidio.- Dijo el Tele. -Ven acá!, y de la vida de la tripulación qué?- -Se supone que nos teníamos que inmolar con ellos.- Le respondí. -Compadre!, me has puesto los pelos de punta, tu le has contado esto a alguien?- -A nadie, solo a ustedes, pero eso lo saben todos los tripulantes que viajaron cuando la guerra con las tropas.- -La vida de nosotros no vale nada, ese tipo puede hacer con ella lo que quiera."

Cuba's Armed Forces:Power and Reforms.ASCE 99.Domingo Amuchastegui

Excerpt: "While Fidel Castro is full of objections and hostility against the Chinese model, Raúl, Ramón, Casas Regueiro and his team, and the "civilians" that are close to them, see in this model an extraordinary source of valid lessons. Fidel Castro while visiting China paid little attention to Zhu Rongji; his brother Raúl did the opposite and moreover he invited Zhu Rongji’s principal adviser to visit Cuba to share experiences, to lecture and debate on the Chinese model. Who refused to share and debate in detail with this visiting expert? No one except Fidel Castro! "

Evolution, Transition and the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces. ASCE 99.Armando F. Mastrapa, III

Excerpt: " As a result of the drastic downsizing of the FAR as a consequence of the "special period," Cuba’s armed forces have become a constabulary force, charged with the domestic guardianship of the Revolution and state. However, the decline of the FAR does not eliminate their potential for engaging in offensive warfare. The potential threat of biological armaments is a serious scenario one should be vigilant of. In conclusion the FAR have evolved from within the purview of institutional conflict and succeeded in asserting command of institutional conflict. They have assisted the Cuban economy, benefiting themselves from it, and proactively dominated sectors producing substantial wealth. Finally, the FAR remain a potent military force domestically able to engage in offensive operations that can potentially pose a serious risk if faced with an external challenge to its governing elites."


















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