Club Habana was formed in 1878 by Beltran Senarens, President, Ernesto
Guillo, Secretary, Alfredo Maruri, Tresurer, Nemesio Guillo, Celestino
Cuervo, Lorenzo Bridat, and Joaquin Lancis. Club Habana participated and
defeated Club Matanza in the first professional Championship in 1878-79.
During its first Championships the Club was led by none other than Esteban
Bellan. Mister Bellan, as he was known by sports writers of those days, was
the first Cuban and Latin American to play in the Professional Leagues in
the United States. He debuted with Troy in 1871. In 74 Championships in
which Club Habana participated, they finished first 30 times, second 22
times, third 16 times and fourth 6 times. Always battling their eternal
rivals Club Almendares. |